
Nosud / Six Kolbars were killed and injured due to military forces' shooting

06:49 - 9/7/2024

Nosud /  Six Kolbars were killed and injured due to military forces' shooting

According to reports received by the Hana Human Rights Organization: Early Monday morning, July 8, 2024, following the shooting of military forces towards a group of Kolbars, five Kolbars named "Mehdi Basharti, Mehran Abdi, Sami Zarei, Obaid Moradi, and Peyman Vaisi," from Javanrud, were injured due to direct shooting by the military forces of the Islamic Republic in the border heights of Nosud. Another Kolbar, identified as "Ayoub Mohammadi," from the village of "Koga" and residing in Javanrud, died in Qods Hospital in Paveh due to the severity of his injuries after being shot.

Ayoub Mohammadi, 28 years old, was married and the father of one child.

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