Statistics of Kolbar Casualties in the First Half of 2024
06:43 - 10/7/2024
The Statistics Center of the Hana Human Rights Organization has prepared and announced a statistical report on the status of Kolbars in Iranian Kurdistan for the first half of 2024.
According to the Statistics Center of the Hana Human Rights Organization, in the first half of 2024, at least 271 Kurdish Kolbars and merchants were killed, injured, or arrested. Based on these statistics, of the total 271 Kolbars, 35 were killed, 218 were injured, and 18 were arrested. The details of these statistics are as follows:
Of the 35 Kolbars killed, 26 were targeted and killed by direct gunfire from the border forces of the Islamic Republic. Seven Kolbars died due to natural incidents, and two Kolbars were killed in car accidents during pursuits by the armed forces of the Islamic Republic.
In the first half of 2024, 218 Kolbars were injured. Of these, 179 were injured by direct gunfire from the border forces of the Islamic Republic, 13 were injured due to natural incidents, 13 were injured due to beatings by the armed forces of the Islamic Republic, nine were injured in car accidents during pursuits, and four were injured due to landmine explosions.
In the past six months, 18 Kolbars were also arrested by the border guards of the Islamic Republic.
It should be noted that the names of all the Kolbars mentioned in this report are recorded in the Statistics Center of the Hana Human Rights Organization.
In the first half of 2024, the law enforcement and border guards of the Islamic Republic have caused significant casualties among Kolbars who engage in this arduous, exhausting, and risky work to earn a livelihood. Instead of providing job opportunities for citizens in Kurdistan provinces, the Islamic Republic has militarized the region and daily attacks Kolbars, resulting in casualties.
Hana Human Rights Organization Statistics Center
July 5, 2024
Referencing these statistics is free with proper citation of the source.
Read more
- Death of a Kolbar Due to Hypothermia at the Baneh Border
- Human Rights Status Statistics in October and the First 10 Months of 2024 in Iranian Kurdistan
- A Kolbar was injured by Border Forces’ gunfire at the Baneh border.
- Bukan / A Kurdish trader was killed by direct gunfire from the police forces.
- Human Rights Status Report for August 2024 in Iranian Kurdistan