
Arrest and Transfer of a Kurdish Citizen to Naqadeh Central Prison to Serve His Sentence

07:26 - 13/6/2024

Arrest and Transfer of a Kurdish Citizen to Naqadeh Central Prison to Serve His Sentence

According to Hana colleagues, on Monday, June 10, 2024, a 73-year-old Kurdish citizen named Mohammad Amin Mohammadi from the village of Tamarchin, a suburb of Piranshahr, was arrested and subsequently transferred to Naqadeh Central Prison to serve his two-year prison sentence.

According to received reports, Mr. Mohammadi had previously been sentenced to two years in prison by the Piranshahr Revolutionary Court on charges of "collaborating with one of the Kurdish opposition parties."

It is worth noting that Mohammad Amin Mohammadi was arrested by security forces on September 4, 2023, and transferred to the Urmia Intelligence Detention Center for interrogation. He was eventually released on bail after 75 days, pending the completion of the judicial process.