
The continuation of the pressure and threats of the forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran on journalists, civil and human rights activists

11:07 - 14/12/2022

The continuation of the pressure and threats of the forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran on journalists, civil and human rights activists

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Hana: The Islamic Republic has always tried to silence activists and journalists abroad by threatening and pressuring them, and if they continue their activities, they will carry out these threats.

Turkey is one of the countries that is called the backyard of the Islamic Republic.

The security forces of the regime have always made practical threats such as kidnapping and assassination against their critics, from civil and political activists to journalists.

In recent years, some journalists and critics have been abducted from Turkey to Iran, so that there is no reliable information about the fate of these people.

In cases where they did not succeed in kidnapping them, they were seriously injured.

Among them, in the action carried out by agents affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Turkey to kidnap the writer and Kurdish activist Mr. Isa Baziar, he was able to throw himself out of the van that the kidnappers were transporting him with, which caused serious injuries.

The amount of movements of the security forces of the Islamic Republic increased to such an extent that the news of the arrest of a team of agents of the Islamic Republic was announced by the Turkish media, and this indicated that the Turkish government, which in many cases ignored these actions, had decided to react based on its interests.

Mehdi (Alan) Hamidi Hedayat and Shorsh Mohi are two civil and human rights activists and independent journalists and asylum seekers in Turkey who have been repeatedly threatened by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I previously had a conversation with these two, which was not published due to their security conditions, Mehdi (Alan) Hamidi Hedayat says about this: "The security forces have repeatedly sent threatening messages to me through my family and announced that I am forced to remain silent in Turkey, if not, he must know that we can easily reach him, in some cases of the arrest of my near friends in Kermanshah, I found out that they were looking for the address of my residence in Turkey by putting pressure on them, even my presence in cyber space is also monitored. Fo instance, I was invited to the Telegram group "Campaign for Zagros Water Defenders", after a while, I received a warning message about leaving this group from an anonymous and security account, which threatened that if I don't leave the group, a criminal case will be opened in the judicial system.

Numerous cases of terrorist acts and kidnapping of critics and journalists and the number of times threatening messages have been delivered to family members as well  as Turkey's unsafe condition led to Mr. Hamidi considered them to be serious, however, he admits that although these threats have largely limited my activities, it is impossible not to take any action on the events inside of Iran, especially in these days when the revolution of women, life, freedom has taken place in Iran, and we should be the voice of people and support them seriously, since the people of Iran need international support and we must be the voice of the Iranian people.

Shoresh Mohi, a human rights activist and a journalist of Kurdane Radio and Website and a reporter for the Center for Defense of Democracy in Iran, has also been threatened many times by the security forces through his family in Iran.

The security forces have put pressure on Mr. Mohi's family in Iran to force him to return to Iran.

In cases where he has been seriously threatened, he has informed the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Turkey, but they have not taken any specific action.

Mr. Mohi admits thatdespite of these threats, he has always continued his activities in the field of human rights and journalism as much as possible and be the voice of the people of Iran.

The life of these activists is full of stress and fear of terror and kidnapping and has imposed difficult psychological conditions on them.