
Statistics of human rights situation in April 2024, in Iranian Kurdistan

06:13 - 9/5/2024

Statistics of human rights situation in April 2024, in Iranian Kurdistan

Hana Human Rights Organization Statistics Center has prepared a statistical report on the situation of human rights and violations of fundamental rights of Kurdish citizens in April 2024 in Iranian Kurdistan. It should be noted that due to the lack of free access to news inside the country due to heavy suffocation and censorship, this statistic cannot include all the cases of violation of human rights of citizens, but all the efforts of Hana's colleagues at the statistics center of Hana Human Rights Organization are used. It is assumed that the mentioned and recorded items are accurate and verified.

Based on the statistics registered in the statistics center of Hana Human Rights Organization, in April 2024, at least six Kurdish citizens were executed, at least 47 Kurdish citizens were arrested, 12 prisoners were sentenced to 79 years in prison, 34 Kolbars and businessmen were killed, injured and arrested, two workers had an accident while working and died, two citizens were killed and injured due to a mine explosion, and at least 10 people committed suicide.
In April 2024, at least 47 Kurdish citizens were summoned and detained by the Islamic Republic of Iran's security institutions arbitrarily and without any arrest warrant issued by the court.
The identity of 37 of these people has been confirmed for the human rights organization Hana, most of them have been arrested on charges of political activity, cooperation with Kurdish opposition parties of the Islamic Republic, civil activities, and two people have been arrested for the religious belive activities. According to these statistics, all the arrested are men.
Sentences of prisoners:
In April 2024, at least 12 prisoners were sentenced to long-term prison terms and fines, and a total of 79 years of prison sentences were issued for these 12 prisoners.
In April 2024, at least six Kurdish citizens were executed in Iranian prisons. Three people were executed for drug-related charges, two people were executed for intentional murder, and Anwar Khazari, a religious prisoner, was executed after 14 years imprisonment on charge of Moharbah.
Based on Hana's statistics, in April 2024, at least 34 Kolbars and businessmen were killed, injured and arrested. Of these, 5 Kolbars were killed, 4 Kolbars named Hayman Ahmadi, Shwana Ahmadpour, Saivan Dast Afkan and Omid Sidi were killed by direct fire from the government forces, and one Kolbar named Mehrdad Abdullahzadeh died by car accident as a result of being chased by the government forces. Based on these statistics, 26 Kolbars were also injured, and the identity of 20 of the wounded has been confirmed for Hana. Out of this number, 18 Kolbars were injured by direct fire from the Islamic Republic forces, 5 Kolbars were injured due to natural disasters, and one Kolbar was injured due to an accident caused by the pursuit by government forces. Among the injured there are 4 child Kolbar named Milad Rahimi, Parsa Hosseini, Sahand and Mahan Moradi.
In April 2024, at least 10 people committed suicide in the cities and villages of Kurdistan. Among the suicides, 5 were men and 5 were women. 2 of these individuals were under 18 years old. Most of these suicides were due to family problems and some were due to unknown reasons.
In April 2024, two workers died as a result of a work accident, and four workers had a work accident and were seriously injured.
In April, the explosion of mines left over from the Iran-Iraq war in the border strip, as well as newly planted mines by the Islamic Republic in recent years, continue to claim victims. In this month, a female citizen from Gilan E Gharb was killed due to a mine explosion, and a man from Saqqaz was also injured and had a disability.
Statistics Center of Hana Human Rights Organization
3, May 2024
Citation of these statistics is free by mentioning the source

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