
Zhina Modares Gorji, a women's rights activist, has been sentenced to 21 years in prison and exile.

07:55 - 26/5/2024

Zhina Modares Gorji, a women's rights activist, has been sentenced to 21 years in prison and exile.

According to received reports, Zhina Modares Gorji, a women's rights activist from Sanandaj, was sentenced by the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court of this city, presided over by Judge Mohammad Karami. She was charged with "forming an illegal group with the aim of overthrowing the regime" and sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment, "collaborating with hostile groups and governments" and sentenced to another 10 years of imprisonment, and "propaganda against the regime" for which she received one year of imprisonment.

Out of the total 21-year sentence, the most severe punishment, 10 years of imprisonment and exile to Hamedan prison, is enforceable. According to the issued verdict, the charges against Ms. Modares Gorji include "establishing the Zhivano Association with a feminist ideology and with the aim of overthrowing the regime, participating purposefully in gatherings and chanting subversive slogans, connecting with anti-regime elements, attending international conferences and workshops, publishing content on social media, and giving interviews to foreign media to portray the country's situation negatively and incite public unrest during the sensitive period after Mahsa Amini's death."

Additionally, the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj has assigned the Sanandaj Criminal Court 2 to address the charge of "spreading lies and inciting people to violent actions."

It should be noted that the issued sentence was officially communicated to her on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Zhina Modares Gorji was arrested by security forces on Monday, April 10, 2023, and on May 10, 2023, she was transferred from solitary confinement at the Juvenile Detention Center to the general ward of Sanandaj prison. She was finally released from prison on Monday, July 3, 2023, after posting a bail of 500 million tomans.

She was previously arrested by security forces on September 30, 2022, and transferred to anandaj Correctional Center. She was temporarily released on October 30, 2022, after posting a bail of 100 million tomans.

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