
456 days of continuous detention without knowing Osman Mameh's condition

09:28 - 18/2/2024

456 days of continuous detention without knowing Osman Mameh's condition

Hana Human Rights Organization report: More than 456 days have passed since the arrest of 55-year-old Osman Mameh from Bukan, but until now there is no information about the status and fate of this Kurdish citizen.

Osman Mamah, the son of Hasan, married and from Bukan, was arrested by the security forces on November 18, 2022, during the revolutionary movement of women, life, freedom, after leaving his personal home in Bukan city, and was taken to an unknown place.
In a conversation with Hana's colleagues, an informed source added; After 15 months of repeated follow-ups by Osman Mameh's family to the security institutions to find out about the fate of their son, it has resulted in increasing the worries of his family and relatives.
This source also added that during these 456 days of imprisonment, Osman Mamah was deprived of the right to have a lawyer, visit his family and any human rights.