
Torture by security institutions led to the death of a Nosud citizen

08:10 - 12/1/2024

Torture by security institutions led to the death of a Nosud citizen

According to the report of Hana's colleagues: On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, a Kurdish citizen with the identity of "Peyman Abdi", the son of Nasser and Chiman from Nosud, in Paweh district, was in a coma due to the torture of Kermanshah intelligence officers, and died in the army hospital. Peyman Abdi was 35 years old, married and the father of two children.

In this reports; Peyman Abdi was arrested by the security agencies on January 2, 2024,  in one of the streets of Kermanshah, and on the same day he fell into a coma due to torture and was taken to the army hospital.
According to a source, on Tuesday, January 9th, in a phone call to Mr. Abdi's family from the Kermanshah Army Hospital, they announced the news of their son's death and asked his family to come to this hospital to hand over his body.
In the continuation of the conversation, this source added; that the doctors of the hospital have declared the cause of death of Peyman Abdi as a hard object hitting his head.
It should be noted that the body of this citizen was handed over eight days after his arrest on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, after obtaining a written commitment from his family that this matter would not be reported to the media, and was buried in Nosud.