
The enforced disappearance of a imprisoned citizen entered the 10th month

07:51 - 19/2/2024

The enforced disappearance of a imprisoned citizen entered the 10th month

On April 15, 2023, a Kurdish citizen with the identity of "Pejman Soltani", 30 years old, married and from Bukan, was arrested by the security forces without a court order. Now, the forced disappearance of this prisoner has entered its 10th month, and his family, while continuously pursuing, they have not found any information about his condition.

According to an informed source, after being arrested, Pejman Soltani was transferred to Bukan Intelligence Office for interrogation and was tortured for 6 days. Due to the torture, three fingers on his hand and two fingers on his foot were broken, and then he did not receive medical treatment and he was kept in solitary confinement for 42 days. 
This source also added that Mr. Soltani was transferred from Bukan Intelligence Detention Center to Orumiyeh Central Prison after 6 months.
It should be noted that Pejman Soltani is deprived of having a lawyer, the right to visit his family and any other human rights.
According to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel or inhuman treatment, or to any treatment that degrades his human status."
It is also stated in Article 10 of this declaration: "Every human being deserves full and equal access to an open and fair trial by an impartial and independent court to deal with his rights and duties against any criminal charges against him.
According to the provisions of the Convention against Torture, doing any intentional act that causes severe injury or physical or mental pain and is done in order to obtain information or a confession from the victim or relatives and friends is considered torture, and any confession under these conditions is invalid. .

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