
Military forces fired on Kolbers near Baneh and Nosud border, wounding six of them

08:12 - 5/12/2023

Military forces fired on Kolbers near Baneh and Nosud border, wounding six of them

Hana: On the evening of Saturday, December 2, 2023, two kolbers named "Parviz (unknown surname)" from Kermanshah and Hesam (unknown surname) from Karjo village, Sanandaj, were wounded while kolberi at the "Hengjal" border, due to the direct fire of the military forces. According to received reports; Hesam was injured in the hand area and Parviz was injured in the leg area due to a bullet hit.

Also, on the same Saturday night, December 2, 2023, four other Kolbers were shot by the military forces while they were crossing the border zone of Nasud and were seriously injured.
Hana's colleagues confirmed the identity of these Kolbers as "Talib Yousefi, Omid Shokri" both from Deshe village of Paveh district, Hassan (unknown family name) and Kayhan Amini" both from Darian village of Paveh district.
According to this report, as a result of being hit by a bullet, these Kolbers were seriously injured in the leg, thigh and back area and were taken to Quds Hospital in Paveh for medical treatment.
According to a source, Keyhan Amini has been hit with more than 300 pellets.

08:13 - 5/12/2023 Updated.