
Statistics of human rights situation in November 2023, in Iranian Kurdistan

11:11 - 2/12/2023

Statistics of human rights situation in November 2023, in Iranian Kurdistan

Hana Human Rights Organization Statistics Center has prepared a statistical report on the human rights situation and violation of fundamental rights of Kurdish citizens in November 2023 in Iranian Kurdistan.

Based on the statistics registered in the statistics center of Hana Human Rights Organization, in November 2023, at least 35 Kurdish citizens, including 6 children, were arrested, 115 Kolbers and were killed and injured, 6 workers were killed due to work accidents, 13 people have been executed, at least 3 people have committed suicide, and accidents on the unsafe roads of Kurdistan have claimed the lives of 6 people.
In November 2023, at least 35 Kurdish citizens, including 6 children, were summoned and detained by the security institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran arbitrarily and without any arrest order from the court.
The identity of all these people has been verified by Hana Human Rights Organization, and most of them have been arrested on charges of political activity, cooperation with Kurdish opposition parties of the Islamic Republic, environmental activities, as well as civil activities and one case of religious activities. According to these statistics, 2 women, 2 workers, a cleric and the rest 30 were civil activists.
In November 2023, Thirteen Kurdish citizen, were executed in the prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 of the executions were political and they were executed on charge of Moharbe( fight against god) , 4 were executed for drug-related crimes, and 7 were executed for intentional murder.
According to Hana's statistics, in November 2023, at least 115 Kolbers were killed and wounded. Out of this number, 8 Kolbers were killed, 6 of them were killed by direct fire of the government forces, and two of them died in the cold due to frostbite. According to these statistics, 103 Kolbers were injured by direct fire from government forces, 2 Kolbers were injured due to natural disasters, and 2 Kolbers were injured due to the explosion of landmines planted by the Islamic Republic.
In November 2023, at least 3 people committed suicide in the cities and villages of Kurdistan. Among the suicides, one was a woman and two were men. Most of these suicides were due to family problems and some were due to unknown reasons.
In November 2023, six workers died due to work accident, 2 labor activists were arrested and one of the labor activists was arrested and imprisoned to serve the sentence.
Kurdistan's roads are not safe, and do not meet the recognized standards, and cars are in bad condition, killing a number of citizens every day. In November, at least 6 people were killed in an accident and dozens were injured.
Statistics Center of Hana Human Rights Organization
December 1, 2023
Citation of these statistics is free by mentioning the source

05:45 - 3/12/2023 Updated.