
Report on the torture of Pejman Soltani by the Bukan Intelligence Agency

07:35 - 30/11/2023

Report on the torture of Pejman Soltani by the Bukan Intelligence Agency

The colleagues of Hana Human Rights Organization in Bukan city reported the torture of a citizen with the identity of "Pejman Soltani" who has been detained for more than 9 months.

Pejman Soltani, 30 years old, married and from Bukan, was arrested by the security forces on April 11, 2023, without a judicial document.
An informed source in a conversation with Hana added; After his arrest, Pejman Soltani was transferred to the Bukan Intelligence Office for interrogation and was tortured for 6 days.
This source further added that due to the torture, three fingers of his hand and two fingers of his foot were broken, and then he was kept in solitary confinement for 42 days without receiving medical treatment.
This source also added that Mr. Soltani was transferred from Bukan Intelligence Detention Center to Orurmiah Central Prison after 6 months.
It should be noted that Pejman Soltani is deprived of having a lawyer, the right to visit his family and any other human rights.