
November 20, World Children's Day

09:22 - 20/11/2023

November 20, World Children's Day

Hana Human Rights Organization honors this day

In the  AD calendar, November 20, has been designated as International Children's Day by the United Nations, although June 1, has been designated as Children's Day in some countries.
On November 20, 1959, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Also, on November 20, 1989, the United Nations ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In part of the statement of the United Nations, the International Children's Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about abuse, exploitation, living on the streets, discrimination in religion, minority or disability, military use of children, killing, beating of children, kidnapping of children, Attacking schools, hospitals and not allowing humanitarian access to children and child workers.
International Labor Organization It considers people under the age of 18 as children and statistically calculates all types of employment of children under the age of 18 in the statistics.
According to international statistics, there are currently about 153 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 who are forced into child labor.
According to the Iranian Parliament Research Center, 15% of Iran's child population are "working children" and this number has increased due to "household poverty". It is said that about ten percent of these children are not able to study.
According to official statistics, there are 2 million and unofficial statistics of 7 million working children in Iran. In some provinces of Iran, the average age of children littering is only 12 years.
In November 2022, Hana Human Rights Organization prepared and published a documentary report on child labor in Kurdistan, which shows some aspects of child labor.
During the massive anti-government protests in Iran in 2022-2023, a large number of children were arrested and some were killed. According to the report of Hana Human Rights Organization Statistics Center, more than 400 children were arrested during these protests in Kurdistan alone. According to these statistics, in Kurdistan, 29 children were killed by direct fire from the repressive forces of the Islamic Republic during the recent protests.
The difficult economic conditions in Iran, especially in the Kurdish regions, have caused a large number of children to turn to the exhausting and inhumane work of kolbari, so that in the past two weeks, at least six children on the way to kolbari work were directly shot by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and died.
Hana Human Rights Organization, while trying to raise awareness in the society about the basic and human rights of children, also informs the cases of violations of children's rights to public opinion and international institutions.

Hana Human Rights Organization
November 20, 2023

09:36 - 20/11/2023 Updated.

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