
Keyvan Nabi, a citizen of Piranshahr, was arrested for executing the sentence

07:22 - 11/9/2023

Keyvan Nabi, a citizen of Piranshahr, was arrested for executing the sentence

According to Hana's colleagues, 29-year-old Keyvan Nabi, from Piranshahr, was transferred to the prison of this city to serve his sentence.

According to an informed source, the named person was arrested on September 5th of this year after referring to the Piranshahr Revolution Court.

The named person was arrested on November 12th last year and was detained under torture for 37 days and deprived of basic rights.

According to an informed source, Keyvan Nabi was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison and 3 months and 45 lashes by the first branch of the Mahabad Revolution Court and the 102 branch of the Piranshahr Criminal Court in two court sessions.