Camilla Hansen, a member of the Swedish Parliament, took over the political sponsorship of four Kurdish political prisoners
05:22 - 19/12/2022
Ms. Camilla Hansen, the representative of the Swedish Green Party in the Parliament of this country, by publishing a tweet, assumed political sponsorship of four Kurdish political prisoners: Pejman Fatehi, Mohammad Faramarzi, Mohsen Mazloum and Wafa Azarbar.
The following text is the translation of Ms. Camila Hansen's words:
In addition to oppressing women and children, Iran also kills them.
The first death sentences were executed and a large number of videos of the confessions of the detainees were published, which is clear that they were forced to make these confessions by torture, and a serious reaction should be made to this behavior of the Islamic Republic of Iran regime. Many people like me and I want to know what is the condition of these four political prisoners and make sure that there is no danger to their lives.
Read more
- Where Are Our Loved Ones' Bodies?
- Complaint of the Families of 4 Executed Kurdish Political Prisoners Against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Protest strike reports from Kurdistan against the death sentence for four political prisoners
- Four Kurdish political prisoners in were executed in Qazalhasar prison in Karaj
- Sabah Fatehi, the son of a Kurdish political prisoner sentenced to death "Pejman Fatehi"