
Camilla Hansen, a member of the Swedish Parliament, took over the political sponsorship of four Kurdish political prisoners

05:22 - 19/12/2022

Camilla Hansen, a member of the Swedish Parliament, took over the political sponsorship of four Kurdish political prisoners

Ms. Camilla Hansen, the representative of the Swedish Green Party in the Parliament of this country, by publishing a tweet, assumed political sponsorship of four Kurdish political prisoners: Pejman Fatehi, Mohammad Faramarzi, Mohsen Mazloum and Wafa Azarbar.

The following text is the translation of Ms. Camila Hansen's words:
In addition to oppressing women and children, Iran also kills them.
The first death sentences were executed and a large number of videos of the confessions of the detainees were published, which is clear that they were forced to make these confessions by torture, and a serious reaction should be made to this behavior of the Islamic Republic of Iran regime. Many people like me and I want to know what is the condition of these four political prisoners and make sure that there is no danger to their lives.

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