
Bukan: The death of a protesting citizen with batons by the security forces

12:15 - 13/10/2022

Bukan: The death of a protesting citizen with batons by the security forces

According to the reports received by Hana's colleagues: on Wednesday evening, October 12, 2022, a protesting citizen with the identity of "Kamal Faqihi", 46 years old from Bukan, died due to baton blows to the head by the security forces following the protest gatherings on Hesar Road in this city.

The source also added that after the death of the protesting citizen, security forces shot him in the head and announced the cause of death of the Kurdish citizen as a result of a gunshot injury to his head.

However, doctors have declared kamal faghihi's death as a blow to the body in the head.