Arrest of a Resident of Piranshahr by Security Forces
05:54 - 30/12/2024
Hana: In the early hours of Friday, December 27, 2024, a 28-year-old resident of Piranshahr identified as Amin Bazian was arrested by security forces.
According to received reports, Mr. Bazian’s arrest was carried out without the presentation of any judicial documents.
So far, his family’s efforts to obtain information about his fate and whereabouts have been unsuccessful.
It is worth mentioning that on the same day, four other citizens—Behzad Mahmoudi and Aram Mohammadi from the village of “Pasveh,” Mousa Rasouli from the village of “Khoranj,” and Soran Mohammadpour from Piranshahr—were also arrested by security forces and taken to an undisclosed location.
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