
The Arrest of Siavash Soltani, a Family Member of the Victims of the Zhina Revolutionary Movement in Mahabad.

02:06 - 3/9/2024

The Arrest of Siavash Soltani, a Family Member of the Victims of the Zhina Revolutionary Movement in Mahabad.

According to reports received by the Human Rights Organization Hana: Early this morning, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, Siavash Soltani, the son of Kobra Shaykhe, one of the victims of the #Zhina Revolutionary Uprising in Mahabad, was arrested by security forces.

According to this report, security forces raided Siavash Soltani's family home without presenting a warrant, using violence and force to arrest him. He was then taken to an unknown location.  
It is worth recalling that Kobra Shaykhe, a 59-year-old resident of Mahabad, was killed on October 27, 2022, on Molajami Street in Mahabad by direct gunfire from the Islamic Republic's repressive forces.  
Witnesses reported that Kobra Shaykhe was bringing scarves and masks from her home for the protesters to cover their faces and avoid identification when she was shot and died in her son's arms.