
Statistics of human rights situation in July 2024, in Iranian Kurdistan

09:03 - 4/8/2024

Statistics of human rights situation in July 2024, in Iranian Kurdistan

The Statistics Center of the Hana Human Rights Organization has prepared a statistical report on the state of human rights and the violation of the fundamental rights of Kurdish citizens in July 2024 in Iranian Kurdistan and hereby announces the findings.

It should be noted that due to the lack of free access to news within the country because of severe repression and censorship, this report may not encompass all instances of human rights violations against citizens. However, the Hana team has made every effort to ensure that the reported cases are accurate and verified.

Based on the statistics recorded at the Hana Human Rights Organization's Statistics Center, in July 2024, at least 52 Kurdish citizens were arrested, 4 prisoners were sentenced to death, and 9 prisoners were sentenced to a total of 171 months of imprisonment. Additionally, 6 people were executed, 31 kolbars (cross-border porters) and traders were killed or injured, at least 3 workers died in work-related accidents, at least 19 people committed suicide, and 3 women were victims of patriarchal violence and were killed.

In July 2024, at least 52 Kurdish citizens were arbitrarily summoned and detained by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran without any arrest warrants from the court. The identities of these 52 individuals have been confirmed by the Hana Human Rights Organization. Most were arrested on charges of political activism, collaboration with Kurdish opposition parties, civil activism, religious activities, and 10 individuals were detained due to environmental activism. Among those arrested, 48 were men and 4 were women.

In July 2024, at least 6 Kurdish citizens were executed in Iranian prisons. Among them, Kamran Sheikha, a religious prisoner, was executed on charges of "moharebeh" (enmity against God). Danial Kazemi Nejad was executed for killing a member of the Revolutionary Guards, 2 others were executed for intentional murder, and 2 more were executed on drug-related charges.

**Prison Sentences:**
In July 2024, three prisoners from Bukan—Suleiman Adhami, Hossein Khosravi, and Hiwa Nouri—were sentenced to imprisonment for religious activities under the charge of "rebellion." Additionally, a woman named Pakhshan Azizi was sentenced to death for media activities. At least 9 prisoners received long-term prison sentences and fines, totaling 14 years and 3 months of imprisonment for these 9 prisoners. In July, a prisoner was also sentenced to 74 lashes. A prisoner named Isa Ebrahimzadeh from Oshnavieh committed suicide and died.

**Kolbars and Traders:**
According to Hana's statistics, in July 2024, at least 31 kolbars and traders were killed or injured. Of these, 8 were killed, including 5 kolbars—Ayub Mohammadi, Kiyan Zini, Ehsan Norouzi, Nazem Safari, and Asad Afranjeh—who were shot dead by government forces, and one kolbar died after falling from border heights. Additionally, 2 traders, Rebar Rashidi and Ramin Khaledi, were killed by direct gunfire from the Islamic Republic's armed forces. In this month, 19 kolbars and 4 traders were injured by direct gunfire from the regime's armed forces.

In July 2024, at least 19 people in the cities and villages of Kurdistan committed suicide. Among the suicides, 10 were women and 9 were men. Four of these individuals were children under 18 years old. One of those who committed suicide was Isa Ebrahimzadeh, a political prisoner from Oshnavieh. A soldier named Barzan Khaledi, who was serving in Khorramabad, also committed suicide. Most of these suicides were due to family problems, poverty, and some for unknown reasons. The rising suicide rates in recent months are particularly alarming.

In July 2024, at least 3 workers died in work-related accidents. The lack of safety facilities for workers and employer negligence are among the causes of worker deaths during work.

In July, 10 environmental activists, including one woman, were arrested. One of the environmental activists, Esmail Karimi, who suffered severe burns while extinguishing a fire in the Kamyaran pastures, died due to the severity of his injuries.

**Social Anomalies:**
In July 2024, three women in the cities of Salmas, Ivan, and Sanandaj were killed by their father, husband, or relatives due to "honor" issues. Unfortunately, femicide continues to claim the lives of women in culturally backward regions.

This month witnessed arbitrary arrests, unjust sentences, inhumane executions, and the killing and injuring of kolbars and traders by the Islamic Republic's armed forces. The high rate of suicides, particularly among young people and children, adds to the numerous challenges faced by the people in the cities and villages of Kurdistan. The discriminatory policies of the Islamic Republic against Kurds, the lack of economic development in Kurdistan provinces, and the absence of investment in these regions have created conditions where some people are forced to turn to kolbari as a means of livelihood—a dangerous occupation that results in daily killings of kolbars.

Hana Human Rights Organization Statistics Center
August 2, 2024

Referencing these statistics is permitted with citation.

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